Last few images i shared have been about smaller scenes.
Back to the wide angle. This is actually the same lake where i shot the last image i shared “Sailor”. It is a mountain lake that requires about a 1.5 hrs of hiking.
It was a stormy day actually this was a sliver of hope when the clouds parted a bit and the sun light came through.
Unfortunately as my friend and i carried on to the hike up the ridge (another 500 m of elevation) we got drenched with rain.
Specific Feedback Requested
Any feedback is welcome.
Don’t hold back, every comment or suggestion helps me grow even if we disagree
Technical Details
Is this a composite: Yes
This is a panorama of 5 vertical images with a 20 mm lens
Aref, this is a great scenic. The trees in the water lead my eye into the scene. The hint of the bottom of the lake in the foreground makes for an interesting juxtaposition with the far trees and mountains. Well done.
This is very nice.
A beautiful place with some gorgeous light.
There for me 2 smalls nits; the log on the rights side touching the tree reflection, and a very distracting “thing” on the frame near the LLC.
This is certainly a beautiful scene and I can see why you stopped to shoot it. In fact, it’s a spectacular scene. There are a couple of suggestions.
The very bottom holds less interest. I would crop it off up to just below the left log resulting in a 50/50 composition.
The trees are a bit too bright and perhaps a bit too saturated. I would make necessary adjustments. Yellow is a powerful color and it’s easy to overdo it.
I’m also wondering if some more definition could be teased out of those grey clouds. Perhaps not.
I think you have a wonderful image, an image we don’t often see in the lower 48.
I see the small white spot in the LLC now but the crop @Igor_Doncov suggested took care of it which i think i like more than my original crop.
You have no idea how much darkening and desaturation rounds i have done for those trees but you know part of it i think needs to be there because it was the only area hit by direct sunlight.
Aref, the rework simplifies and strengthens the image considerably for me. I think having less negative space at the bottom makes the composition feel more balanced overall.
This is a gorgeous landscape, Aref! The second cropped version is perfect. Excellent job with the exposure and a very nicely balance composition. The large version is particularly nice because it has so much more presence (it puts you right there!). Definitely a wall hanger!
The composition is definitely improved and the result is really good. Love the mix of cool thundery sky with the small patches of sunlight splattering around, though I would probably have included the whole of that submerged rock in the very base of the image which would still alleviate the dead space alluded too, prevent the truncated under water detail and restore just a wee bit more 50:50 symmetry to the mountain /sky and its reflection, which pleases me but may be less to your tastes.