The sun is probably higher than many landscape photographers would care to photograph with a wide lens. However i felt that the trail to that small hill top was inviting and wanted to creat an image that invites other to hike up that hill.
Original Post
Did i achieve my goal in creating a composition that would make you want to follow the trail?
The colors, i am not sure if the grass is still looking cyanish?
Any other feedback is welcome
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)
Single exposure.
Rokinon 14 mm at f11
1/40 sec
Iso 100
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Definitely! It transported me to this place and my mind took over from there. I noticed that the earth was partly wet and the trail wasn’t that well used. And then I thought how it would look when I looked down from that peak. Thoughts like that came to mind.
I liked the 4-5 leaves at the very bottom but not the long dry grass going off the side so I removed the grass.
I thought the WB was perfect but pushing the yellows in HSL seemed to make the grasses yellower and brighter so I did that. It seemed to perk up the image.
I did a very minor crop from the bottom and the ride side which narrowed the image slightly and may give the trail a longer feeling to it.
Overall, it’s an image that’s difficult to improve and I had to look really hard to do so. At first glance the leaves at the bottom seem to be an obvious problem because they’re ‘untidy’. But if you crop above them the trail looks less interesting to me. So my vote is to keep them.
There isn’t much difference between the original and the rework and that tells me you pretty much nailed it.
PS In retrospect I should have brushed out the application of yellow from the face of the face of the cliff. In summary, apply the HSL adjustment as a layer and black out the cliff face. That’s my methodology.
The light is flat due to having a lot of clouds in the sky, but that is okay because harsher mid-morning light on a sunnier day would have created too much contrast. And it is a pretty neat looking location that the path is leading us towards.
My suggestions would be a crop from the bottom to show slightly less of the path. Then a crop from the right to get rid of the severely leaning trees on the far right, which pull my eye out of the frame to the right. And I think a stronger vignette might help here too.
I’d hike it; of course, I love Canada. Your point of view is interesting and the path certainly brings the viewer up the hill. I already feel rewarded by the view at the hilltop of distant mountains and clouds. Most photographers would forego all the grass in the foreground - you have used it to advantage. Nice image.
I really want to follow that trail and take in the view when I get to the top of this hill, so you certainly achieved your goal. The colors look just fine to me and I do like the stronger vignette idea per Ed.
Thanks everyone for your feedback
I have gone back and implemented most of the suggestions as they made sense
Strengthened the vignette, brought out the yellows, got red of distractions (both through crop and clone) including the trees leaning sideways.
Kept it as a 4x5 image