Bright sunrise light, 2023

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I’ve photographed this scene many times, but on this occasion, the pink light was the most vivid and colorful I’ve experienced.

Specific Feedback

I struggle a bit processing bright pink reflected light on the landscape since I feel the color is so unusual. I usually want to tone down the brightness and saturation but also want to show the true color, so I’m conflicted.

Maybe this image doesn’t really need any processing for color, contrast, saturation, etc. What do you think? What would you do?

Technical Details

The image in this post is the unprocessed file.


Matt, this is a wonderful scene. As a long time Velvia 50 user I’m very use to over the top Red / Magenta results. I can totally relate to your challenge in trying to decide between WOW and OMG. Part of that challenge is brought on by our own eye wiriness when processing and our glee for an outstanding image, at least for me… :sunglasses:
With that all said I would bring down the red saturation quite a bit for another look and wait to see what you think. Let’s face it, in the end it all becomes our own personal tastes, right or wrong… :thinking:

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@Paul_Breitkreuz Thank you very much for your insights connecting Velvia 50 to this scene. I also used it for years and have a fondness for its color gamut. It would have rendered this scene beautifully as it did so very many others in my camera.

I’ve desaturated the color of the image a bit and adjusted several other aspects of the image, and I like the results. I found a way to retain the WOW
. See the repost and these LR adjustments:

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