Dennis Plank and I went to the Pacific Northwest coast to check up on the fall shorebird migration yesterday. We visited two different areas. This brown pelican in flight was taken from a jetty on the coast itself towards late morning. It was fairly windy and those headed towards the ocean were fighting the wind, moving slower but the light was not as good. It was a good workout for our cameras and lenses.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Iso-500, 500 mm PF +1.4 extender at 700 mm, F8, 2000th, D 850, handheld, 70% of full frame
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Lovely, David! I love the graduated background. I think it works a lot better than a plain blue one. My only nit is how the far wing intersects with the beak.
David, a truly wonderful in flight take of this pelican. The blank BG really sets this scene up nicely…
To key in on Adhika’s point with regard to the wing intersecting with the beak you might clone out those tiny wing tip extensions just below the bill to prevent any eye draw to that point. Just an idea and not a nit at all…
Sweet, David. Better than anything I got on this species. I don’t know what was going on with my focusing technique, but I didn’t get anything this crisp from that session. I think I need to double check my AF setup. Nice wing position and exposure control on that white head.
A beautiful look at this Brown Pelican in flight, David. Wonderful details. I like Paul’s suggestion. Great angle on him, and I love the wing position.
David, I think this second one is a much better frame than the first one.
David, as nice as the first one is, the second one is much better IMO. Not only the composition, but seems as though the lighting, exposure, or PP is also better overall…

Very nice David, I especially like the 2 toned background. For me there’s not much between the 2 shots.