Bruneau Dunes

Second visit hope
Evening light and lines appear
Sand in boots small price

My second time to this dune was with a partly cloudy sky and I was not sure if the setting sun would come out to play. Turns out it was worth the 30 minute walk in soft sand. The sky took on a moody texture in the processing, and the dune’s nuances came out pretty well, I think.

Your thoughts?

Specific Feedback Requested

The composition is a bit jangly, but I seem to be attracted to that. All thoughts most welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Old Digital Rebel xTi 8mp, f/14 170mm
Needed a little noise reduction in the sky, and I gotta admit to rotating it CCW a bit.


This looks interesting. I couldn’t help myself and decided to play with it a bit. The key elements were the sinewy curve and the white guy at the upper left. I also didn’t feel the fg was your strong point. In short, I made an abstract that hardly looks like a dune anymore.


YES. I also had misgivings about the fg but did not attempt to crop it to see what it would look like. By cropping the rhs you transformed it from what Guy Tal calls representational into his Expressive image. I like your result.

Not sure what you mean by jangly (unless it’s the LLC) - the curves are so graceful. Definitely like Igor’s crop. I like the tonality, also - a bit understated.

Hi Bonnie, the jangly nature of the image was indeed the mid-left foreground. the triangle coming up to the left followed by the sweep to right and left. Igor transformed the image with the crop.

What an astounding place…thanks for taking the walk. The photo has great bones as illustrated by Igor’s rework which is the bomb.

Great lines on this one and I really like what @Igor_Doncov did with the crop. I would take the next step and clone out the dark blotches in the shadow area and make this all about shapes, lines and tones. Looking quite good.

Dick, while you had a very good image to start with, @Igor_Doncov took this up several notches with his idea to make this about graphics. The crop of the bottom totally transforms the image. I also think @Harley_Goldman is right about removing the blotches in the shadows. In fact I might even go further and darken the shadow areas further, to make this even more graphic. This image has a lot of potential as an abstract, I would capitalize on it.

Very nice image.
Nice to see the @Igor_Doncov crop and @Harley_Goldman suggestions.

I am enjoying the abstract qualities of your image. I also like what Igor has done both with the crop and contrast.