The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Took flight shots of these ducks as they exiting the area. I most like the spread wing pose of the female.
Specific Feedback
I included two shots with the second showing the trailing ducks in the image. I removed the trailing ducks in post for the closer first shot. Any thoughts comparing these two versions?
Technical Details
Canon R7, 200-800@800mm, hand held
ISO 800, f9, 1/4000s
Processed in DXO PureRaw 4 and Photoshop.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
I like the first one the best although details are lost from the crop. Whites are pretty good and the first has a much stronger comp than the original…Jim
I also prefer the first, Allen. The two trailing ducks are getting pretty out of focus, so they don’t really add to the image. Somehow, both images are looking slightly washed out. You might give them just a bit of dehaze and see if you like it better.
Looks better, Allen. I don’t know why I didn’t notice it before, but the shadow on the drake just behind the head looks awfully blue. I’m not sure if it’s just the nature of the beast or not, but it looks a little strange.
The pair of them look terrific with the lowered blacks. Very dramatic and oh, are they ever speedy. Nice skill catching them. And yeah, the shadows are rather blue. So much so that I thought these were blue ducks. This is my pet peeve in my photos and I’ve tried a couple things that work - overall warming wb, selectively reducing blue saturation in the birds themselves - the point color tool in Lr works pretty good for this. See what you think.
I’d be pretty happy to get 4 Buffleheads in flight, but probably the repost is the strongest image. I like the wing spread on the female as well. I’m puzzled by the blue areas where it’s normally white, yet no blue in other white areas nearby. In any event, another great flight shot, Allen.
This is a terrific catch, even if not quite sharp. and 4 in one frame? wow…
Seems from here to need a bit of leveling, so I tried that, and also took a couple quick swipes with the dodge brush to work on those blue areas - could use more and more carefully.
See what you think: