Bullock's Oriole (M)

I haven’t been spending enough time here as it’s spring weed cleanup time before fire season – 5 acres of them, sprinkled with poison oak. And I’ve been hassling with getting a new image storage system set up. But I’m finally back from the digital dead – mostly. (Some file rearranging to do and backup.) Meanwhile we’ve had record numbers of Orioles nesting in the nearby trees, in all directions as well as I can tell. I’ve been looking for the nests without success, as they seem to be very high in tall oaks. But we had some soft light yesterday and I hung out in my blind a while and got this guy waiting his turn to approach the feeders.

Specific Feedback Requested

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Canon R5, 100-500 + 1,4X at 700mm, f/10, 1/320, ISO 800. This one hasn’t made it to PS yet. A slight crop from the right and a little burning along the bottom and right. Minor global lowering of highlights and raising of shadows. No sharpening or NR.


Hi Diane, this is really nice. Not sure what you’d need to do more in PS, because I think it looks fine as is. While the little guy is centered in the frame, the leaves/branches on the left help to balance the scene nicely. Colors look great and the background is really nice, especially with an f/10 aperture. Well done.

I like this, Diane. The composition is a bit unconventional, but the vegetation makes it work very well.

I like how the muted background works well with the foliage and oriole. Nice attentive pose. Agree with David on how the foliage nicely balances the oriole.

Oh this is very good. The pose is so interesting and the colors just pop. You do time your rendezvous with the light perfectly. These guys have such a sunny color and I like the branches and the leaves showing where they forage. Nice.

Sorry about the tech issues. I was going to comment on the other thread, but have been traveling this last week and doing workshop stuff.

Amazing how he can perch on such a thin stalk! Who needs PS? Very interesting shot.

Hi Diane
The framing really works here, (eye moves from top left to Oriole). This is a very good looking Oriole and the contrast, feather coloring and eye contact, are all helped by the soft lighting.

I do like the composition. The pose and head turn work very well. A nice perch with interesting depth of field and leaf shapes.