I took this image while struggling to keep my camera from getting drenched in Oct. 2014. This is a revisit to learn from an old image. Any input is appreciated.
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Nikon D7000 18-200mm f3.5-5.6 at 18mm, 1.6 seconds, ISO 125
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Larry, there is a lot to like in this image. I had to look up where where Burney Falls was since I wasn’t familiar with it, but it sure is a beauty. I like the processing here, the colors are rich, but not over-saturated. Your framing of the falls is well handled too IMO.
I very much like the image as presented, but can offer a couple suggestions for minor tweaks. I would suggest a slight crop from the top, to eliminate the bright patches in the center, and to place more emphasis on the falls. I would also reduce the luminosity and saturation of the yellow leaves framing the bottom of the falls. This would pull more attention into the falls.
Most of the photos I’ve seen or taken have been from the bottom of the falls, but this is just lovely with the mist and fall color. I like the suggestion of toning down the yellows in the foreground. Lots to like about it as is, though.
It’s been a couple decades since I’ve been there and I must say this is a beautiful rendition and take away from there. I also don’t recall seeing many autumn images from here and I’m really enjoying how those fall colors are framing the falls. If anything, my only suggestion, or wish, would be for a little more of that color along the bottom. You’ve got just enough so it doesn’t feel cut off necessarily, but I’d be curious what more you have at the bottom and sides. As presented, this is a beautiful capture and I have no other nits or suggestions.
Thanks Ed, Kathy, and Lon. I appreciate your suggestions and will try cropping from the top and reducing the saturation and luminosity at the bottom. Kathy, I imagine the falls looks great from the bottom. It was raining too hard and was near dark, and I was on unknown roads, needing to get to my destination for the night. Larry