Cactus With A View

I wish I had this same view at sunrise this clustered-barrel cactus enjoys.

I’m posting this as a follow up to my first post in this weeks WC theme. In that post I mentioned that most all of my MF & LF images are longer then most normal exposures as it were. Several factors for that as a result of the slow film, low light and the gear being used. This image was the only time I ever used any exposure past a minute or two. In this case as stated in my first post it was an 8 minute take resulting mostly from the film’s reciprocity factor.

Wista DXIII - Schneider APO 210mm - Hoya CP - Velvia 50

Paul, what a classic Sierra view. The Alpen glow on Whitney is gorgeous. I am heading back to the Sierra in a few days, this image makes me really really happy.

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Adhika, enjoy the trip and good luck with the keepers too…:cowboy_hat_face:

This is most enjoyable, Paul. A great Sierra scene.

The one item you left off your factor list is a slow photographer! :innocent:

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Paul, indeed this clump of cacti have an outstanding view. However, I wouldn’t go and sit on them to enjoy it. The front to back clarity is terrific and the gentle extra brightness of the far peaks lets them set the scene. I remember reciprocity factors…:grin:

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This place looks vaguely familiar. :wink:

Nice job holding front to back sharpness. Your reciprocity calc was right on. The subtle glow on the cactus and on the mountains looks very nice.

Good job on this Paul!

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Simply gorgeous Paul! What’s the old saying? F/45 and be there? :laughing::smile:

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