A Trifecta Morning

A hillside in JTNP with 3 large barrel cactus.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Wista DX III 4x5 - Schneider APO 120mm lens - Velvia 50

Very, very, very cool Paul! I don’t recall seeing this - perhaps you’ve never posted this. Sure glad you did on this challenge! What a great find and wonderful capture. Great processing - I even like the graduated sky, and there’s just enough of it.



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I like this, Paul! Good choice for the challenge as the barrel cactus really stand out. It’s kind of funny, but my first thought was that it looked like a natural pinball machine :crazy_face:

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@Lon_Overacker @Gary_Minish …thank you both for the reviews and comments. This image was from a few years ago after a strong monsoonal season with some decent thunderstorms to supply nature’s irrigation. Things look to be following that pattern this year and maybe even stronger rainfall as even Death Valley NP shutdown with flash-flooding. … :nauseated_face:
Gary, good call on the pinball machine. I did not see that perspective… :clown_face:

Paul, your trio of cacti look almost cuddly, with their warm reddish “fur”. The entire scene is pleasently inviting…making me wonder what’s over the ridge.

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Thank you, Mark. A few years ago we had a fairly decent monsoonal season with some thunderstorms. However, this year has surpassed that event and should provide some decent well needed precipitation to the desert areas. All except Death Valley NP which like Yellowstone got too much at one time and caused some horrific damage to both parks.