The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
A nine photo focus stack of a sundew flower in the Sandy Creek nature reserve, Double Jump Rd, Redland Bay. Cloudy day, illuminated from below right to make the flower glow. Some of the background burnt in and the foreground sharpened. The flower is approx 5mm in diameter and the stem covered in hairs and digestive juice. This plant is carnivorous. The flowers are only open in the mornings (I learnt the hard way). I regularly walk in this reserve and took the photo this morning after 3 previous failed attempts.
Rework added - taking the feedback into consideration. Thank you all.
Specific Feedback
Does the isolated flower become boring if too distant (in this case by light intensity) from the background?
Technical Details
Canon 90D with Sigma 17 to 70 DC macro lens, Tripod, External LED light source. ISO100, 1/100 second, F5.6
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
What a neat little thing. No glaring stacking issues that I could spot. It’s a tiny bit static just sitting in the middle of the frame like that, but if you like it that’s good enough for me. I’m not quite sure what you’re asking in your feedback section. The flower is obviously on its own and that’s ok. It stands out from the bg nicely although I wish it didn’t converge with the OOF echo just to its right.
Thank you. Re the echo to the right, it is a second flower. I did burn it in, but not enough as it now annoys me too. I will also play with the stalk angle as the horizon can be anywhere. @Dennis_Plank , @Kris_Smith
Rob: My thoughts pretty much echo @Kris_Smith . The echo caught my eye immediately and without it this would work very nicely for me. Nice work on the stack for such a small subject. >=))>