
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


It was a beautiful warm fall day and leaves just past prime in most areas so I thought I had better get out and get some pictures while the leaves were still showing in all their glory. Life has been busy and I have not been able to get out at all, so this was it. Went to a local stream where I always wanted to get a picture of these cascades and grabbed this 15 second shot with a 10 stop ND filter.

Specific Feedback

Just looking for general feedback, suggestions, impressions, etc…

Technical Details

Tripod mounted Nikon D500 w/16-80 f2.8-4 shot at 31mm. ISO 500 15 seconds at f13 with 10 stop ND filter.


I like the scene very much and its serenity. You may have cropped a bit from the top, just over the red bushes. That cropping would have let the image look a bit more calm, since the focus would be more on the cascades.

Oh the possibilities this landscape suggests. Such a wide spot in the river with great framing rocks and trees. I could spend a lot of time in this location. Good on you for just getting out and getting into the season. It’s so short that every minute is worth it. Local places are so fun to visit over and over to see how they change with the seasons.

The colors look good here except the greens seem a little too saturated. Wb looks right and I think your focus landed nicely, too. The composition, well, it doesn’t grab me. There’s a lot here and none of it is emphasized well. Lots of background, lots of water and that bit of shoreline on the right - all competing for my attention and so I bounce all over the scene.

The brightest part that grabs eyes first is the water, but it’s so far away. Then the color of the trees calls me and again, so far away and not spectacularly lit. The shoreline…not much to see there, but it has a lot of visual weight so it takes my attention, too. Do you see what I mean? It doesn’t feel decisive.

Without boots for wading, you might try shifting perspective to the water and maybe zooming in a bit more to show off the cascades and the textures in the rocks. A nice slice of the background foliage underpinned by the straight little fall would possibly work, too. The best is to get right in the water, get low and close and really bring us the roar of those falls.

Thanks for the feedback. I am planning on heading back to this location next week. Color will be mostly gone, but I am focusing on learning more about composition and will attempt to try your suggestion to see the difference.

Kristen, thanks for your insightful input. I do see your point about narrowing the scope of the image so the eye is lead to the core subject and not lead astray by the other competing elements. I am planning on returning to this location next week and re-shoot the scene with your suggestions in mind. The color will be much faded by then, but I am focusing on learning more about composition anyway so I’ll see what I can come up with.