Hi Cameron,
Yeah, the name of the rock is fun when trying to pronounce it the first time as well (for me anyway) 
The two perspectives are very interesting to me, the landscape version from the low angle make the cave seem larger, or maybe it’s more like being just inside the entrance to the cave.
The higher perspective portrait version makes me feel like I’m much farther into the cave compared to the landscape version.
To me, the portrait version is a little more appealing simply because it has more of a “deep cave” feel to it.
Having said that, I like both versions. I like the way the sun was placed at the edge of the jut out where the trees are, the trees add to the overall interest as an almost silhouetted BG element and the clouds are great.
The glow in the ice is really nice (the hanging ice cycles top and left side as well as the solid ice on the right).
You done a great job at capturing the mood of cold even though the colors are warm as a result of the late evening sunlight.
From a personal preference point of view, I feel like the brightness and saturation in the top image is a little overdone, the highlights are somewhat distracting for me, and the results seems to take away from the feeling that it’s a cave (which are typically darker to be more mysterious) but again, that’s just my personal take on it. (And…who says that we have to follow the rules of “Typical”?
This is one of those images where you could play around with the exposure in many ways, you could try masking the ice in the cave and increase the exposure there to add more presence to the ice but leave the sun and clouds pretty much as they are (using the original as the starting point, and BTW, thanks for posting the original!).
In the end, its all a matter of personal taste. 
A big thumbs up from me for the planning and insight in getting this set of images! Well done!! 
I hesitated posting the edit below because it’s a fairly radical change from your top image but I hope you posted the portrait version so you could get ideas from other member’s different points of view.
The edit below highlights or showcases the ice cycles but still shows the color of the light coming through from the late evening sunlight and yet, still has that dark cave feel to it (IMHO).
I cropped a little off the top and the left to bring a little more presence to the ice and the BG.
Original Portrait Version:
Edit Version with highlights on ice (below)