Centerville Beach, Humboldt County


Image Description

This is from a few years ago. My husband and I were re-visiting Centerville Beach in Humboldt County, California. We have fond memories of Centerville Beach as it was where we both did our senior thesis geologic studies in the early 80’s.

Feedback Requests

Any comments welcome. Does the quality look ok, especially in the water? I feel like I might have introduced some artifacts during the b&w conversion (in ACR).

Pertinent Technical Details

Processed in ACR & PS for basic targeted tonality adjustments and color grading.

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Really nice Image. I love the shore and that simple beauty. You captured that in your image…

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This is lovely, Bonnie. I don’t see any problems.

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This is really nice, Bonnie! I love the diagonal symmetry in this image with the upper left and lower right being light and the upper right and lower left being dark.

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Dramatic. Perfect in black and white. I like all the triangular shaped pieces and angled lines.

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Spectacular image. The composition is really great and you did a good job converting to black and white.

Thanks, @Don_Peters, @Tom_Nevesely, @Chris_Baird, @Tony_Siciliano, and @Gill_Vanderlip.

Funny, it wasn’t a dramatic day. Mostly overcast, flat light. Going b&w lets you lie about the drama.

Yes, nobody ever asked Ansel Adams “is it photoshopped?”

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