I rarely try b&w conversions, so this week’s challenge had me going through my 2018 catalog testing ideas and methods. Surprisingly, a number of shots that I thought might make good conversions didn’t work very well. I did find a few that may be even better in b&w than the were in color. This view along the Yellowstone River towards Chico Peak had interesting clouds, fresh snow on the mountains and some bits of blue sky. Those all look good in b&w especially as I darkened the blue color slider for some extra contrast in the sky.
5D3, 24-105 F4 IS II @ 78 mm, 1/60 s, f/16, iso 200, tripod
The clouds, peaks and snow look great in B&W. This image looks really good converted and nice job on it, too.
Lines, textures and tonal range are the basic features of a good b&w image. This has them all. The bush in the foreground on the left bothers me a bit, but unless you wade into the water I don’t see how it could have been avoided.
Really like this Mark. The B&W conversion looks great. I feel like I’m standing in the middle of the river Enjoying the view. I might even darken the sky a tad more.
I like this a lot, Mark. I know almost nothing of B&W, but I think this suits the genre very well. My only nit, and it’s probably just me, is that the tops of the trees on the right clearing the snow covered ridge behind them by such a narrow margin feels odd to my eye.