Oh what a vista! I like how you’ve connected the stream to what seems to be a glacier. No doubt one comes from the other. The sky though looks over-darkened and that is bleeding into the mountains as well. If it were mine I’d correct that and also draw some light onto the foreground as well. It looks to be in shade, but is visually sort of lost in the glare of the glacier. If you have the TK8 panel, a lot of this can be accomplished very easily with some luminosity masking. If not and you have Photoshop or Lightroom, you can still select sky and work it separately. Invert that mask and work on the immediate foreground where it is very shady. It has great potential!!
I really like the composition with a crisscross of lines in the center and everything radiating out away from the center. The rework is much better than the original. It’s always a challenge to have that amount of foreground in the shadow yet still be one of the points of focus. The flowers, for example, should be a point of focus yet they look flat and not that interesting. I think this image could be further improved. You could try raising the luminosity of those magenta colors and then saturating them.
Terrific scene and a stunning glacier. This has good flow through the foreground into the back ground with good leading lines as well. This is really nicely seen and composed Blake. I hope you don’t mind but I took this quickly into LR only worked on the foreground flowers as I think they should have a little more presence but that’s also personal opinion. I also reduced the highlights in the top ridge of the mountains as they were clipped and reworked the sky adding exposure, whites and highlights while increasing saturation ever so slightly. The sky seemed awfully dark for how bright the glacier and mountain peaks are. It may not be your cup of tea and that’s totally fine. Just thinking out loud on this one.
A beautiful image with so much depth! I was going to suggest that you lighten up the foreground a bit but I see you’ve done that already in your re-post. I also really like what David did with the flowers, as I think it makes a great image even better.