Coastal mountains of British Columbia

All feedback, critiques or opinions are very much welcome.

Technical details: F22 1/8 sec ISO 50
Second exposure for the sky

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

My opinion is that this is a very well exposed, composed, and processed photo of an amazing subject. :smiley:

I am curious, is this a single exposure?

I especially like the use of the cataract as a foreground laid against the great range and fjord/lake. Without a doubt the most interesting and compelling mountain photo I’ve seen in a long time. Very well conceived and executed!

Thanks Brent, I actually did take a separate exposure for the sky.

Thanks for the feedback Hank!


Outstanding! Fabulous job from capture to processing. No nits or suggestions from me. Gorgeous - and powerful.


Love the image. The only thing I can think of is cropping it as shown below.

Blake - beautiful image. I think it’s well composed and not too heavy handed on post. My eye does however tend to move out of the image in the upper left corner because the vanishing point of the river takes it up there. My feedback is to try a tighter crop on the top and some off the left. Try making the mountains the focal point not so much the competing sky/Clouds. Dodge some of the highlights in the stream closest to the bottom on the image and finally try nuancing some of the lights on the sight side of the mountain range in a warmer tones to pick up the rising sun coming in from top right - alternately a very light burn in the shadow of the mountains on the left might accomplish same.

So many beautiful elements to the scene. Each could carry the image. In combination it compels me to happily explore it throughout. Must have been a thrilling moment to capture this. Print it large!

Blake, it took me two or three takes to realize I wasn’t seeing fog streaming over the ridge top, but a water fall…very interesting. Love the foreground detail leading into the far mountains, well composed and processed.

I love the texture of the water. Just the perfect shutter speed.


I love the sky blend, great job!
That light is incredible and very well processed!

Overall, the image looks nice but feels a little off.
I had to digest it a bit to realize that I’m seeing two subjects and it is causing a struggle as each is pulling me away from the other.
The foreground is a strong subject by itself.
The mountain and sky are quite another with the sky being a very strong element.
I think there are a few crop options that could subdue the duality bring the focus to one topic.

Personally I think the foreground exposure time should have been shorter. The flowing water has turned to a misty ether and doesn’t look like water.

I feel like this 1x1 crop relaxes the bottom of the frame and lets the image be about the grandeur of the entire scene, rather than the rock I’m standing on.

At 5x7, with the bottom of the frame relaxed and the sky reduced, the mountain becomes the subject.


An overwhelming scene. Makes me whish to be there at that moment. Great mountain scenery. Subtle colors in the sky and the foreground, beautiful.
Although it will be hard to crop off anything of this spectacular scene, I agree with Thomas M Herriman. I like his square crop better than the 5x7, and I like Prajit Ravindran’s proposal as well. I also agree with Tom’s opinion that the foreground exposure should have been shorter. This is of course a matter of taste (and not restricted to this image); I almost never like really long exposures of flowing water because it takes away the structure and dynamics of the water. In this case, the water is flowing so fast that even 1/8sec is long.
Putting all nitpicking aside, this is one of the most pleasing images of mountain scenery that I’ve seen in a long time.

I’m sticking up for the original. It carries my eye through the whole scene from front to back including the sky. The crops lose that effect, breaking down the visual “journey” and welding my eye in one spot or another. For me the mountain is a cast member and not the star of the show.

Wonderful scene. I am with Prajit on the crop, with one exception: I would recommend cutting about half of the sky out of his crop. The sky is cool, and we need it to pull the eye, but the sky is not the subject.

Very pleasing composition with wonderful light. I especially liked the light highlights over the waterfall in the lower left-hand area.