Sunshine Coast waterfall

I little waterfall on the sunshine coast, BC. All opinions, critiques or suggestions are very much appreciated.

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I think this is a delightful view and I like the space given to the forest around the falls. My main suggestion would simply be to shoot the Falls a bit more off-center to add interest. You could certainly do that with a crop.

Real fine image. I read Erik’s comments, but strangely, the centered falls is working well for me. The vegetation nice vignettes to highlight the falls and the comp works to my eye.

Blake, I like the way you handled the framing of the falls here. The light hitting the ferns on both sides of the falls is lovely. And your processing of the greens looks very natural. A nit would be to burn down the bright fallen log at the top of the falls, it is a minor distraction. I agree with Erik about cropping a bit to put the falls more off-center, my preference would be to take a slight crop off the right side.

@Harley_Goldman @Erik_Stensland Thanks guys, I’ll play round with the crop a bit.
@Ed_McGuirk Great suggestion Ed, I’ll definitely burn that log a bit.


Blake, This is a wonderful waterfall image. I actually like the falls centered in this shot so for my taste I would leave it as is. Burning the log over the falls as Ed mentioned is a good suggestion. I’m really enjoying the look and feel of this image. Nice work!


I too am really enjoying this as presented; including the centered falls and the overall processing. I think Harley eludes to this - as presented each corner is providing a natural vignette of sorts and also helps frame and keep the eye in the scene. Also, the clean whites contrast beautifully with the natural greens. Well done.

Other than agreeing to burn down or otherwise minimize the brighter fallen log, I really have no nits or other suggestions.


There are a lot of vertical elements in this image which encouraged me to suggest a vertical format. So here’s an alternative idea:


Hi Blake,
I’m really enjoying this classic PNW landscape. Normally, I would not like a centered subject, but for some reason, this one isn’t bothering me. I think it’s because the foliage on each side differs, and the trees above the falls mirror the twin falls themselves. I agree on burning the horizontal log. It prevents the eye from venturing further into the trees.

If you do decide to go for a slight crop, I think I would crop off some of the right side, so we have the space to walk into this scene from the left. Perfect exposure and processing!

I like the original more than Igor’s crop as I really like the lush greens on the left…
Processing is very nice, looks like you lowered the clarity a tad for a nice soft look.
I would take some off the right side if you want to de center a bit.

I like the centered falls too. I think it is because of the nice surrounding vegetation, and there is a minimal stream flowing out of the scene so a diagonal flow isn’t necessary. Nicely done.

As others have already stated the center comp seems to work beautifully for this scene, Blake. I think Harley explained it perfectly with his comment. This is a lovely quiet and relaxing image for me. Nicely done.

@Nick_Bristol @Lon_Overacker @Igor_Doncov @Marylynne_Diggs @Dan_Kearl @John_Williams @Ed_Lowe

Thank you guys so much for the feedback, it’s very much appreciated!