Cold drinks

An otter takes a sip from an almost frozen stream.

Specific Feedback Requested

The image misses part of the otter’s body; I had to chose between that and the reflection in the water. No time to change the zoom setting.
Does it bother you?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Pentax K3 Mk. III, Sigma 4/100-300mm (with TC 2x, as far as I remember) @300mm, f/4.5, 1/200s, ISO1600.
RAW conversion in DxO PL5, few further edits.


Nope, it doesn’t bother me since the scene is so engaging. Who doesn’t love otters? Well, me sometimes. Otter poop kills basically everything it touches. Like say, my lawn. Not to mention my dock paint. And it stinks so bad that I can usually smell when they’ve been down there before I actually see it. Otters stay off my lawn! (Shakes fist)

Ahem. Sorry. Otter rant. Seriously this is so nice. I like the reflection and think you could crop even more. The tail and the bit of grass or whatever can easily go and you’d have more focus on that little face. Very crisp. The whites though, they look so featureless and blown that I’d see what you could do there. Such a nice encounter though. The snow in the fur is wonderful.

Thank you, @Kris_Smith , for your valuable comments. I’m sorry that “your” otters are a pain, but be glad to see them so often :wink:. For me, they are a rare sight unfortunately. And the best chance to see an otter, is a flat one on the road.
You are right that the whites are featureless, but they are not blown out. There simply is almost no detail in the snow. The surface has more or less thawed and is frozen again. So there is little to rescue. I can make it a little more grey of course, but few details will show up.
I’ll try a tighter crop, and the grass/stick/branch can easily be removed anyway.
Thanks again for the comments.

I liked your choice for selecting the reflection in water, techs are good!
It may need slight rotation.
I’m pleased to see an image with Pentax system. It was my system, when I started photography about 32 years ago.