Wow – somehow he reminds me of a medieval knight outfitted for battle! (Or maybe just on the losing end of one…) I love the minimalist composition and the perfect pose. Somehow, with the fence post setting, I expect to see a Turkey Vulture or Raven, but the setting works very well here, sort of defying my expectations. Detail and tonalities on the bird are wonderful! The BG looks a bit on the pastel side – I wonder about playing with the greens to make them a little darker and less cyan – the area above the head looks better to me than the lower areas. Wonderful capture in any case!!
One cool looking bird. Great colors and excellent detail. Nice contrasting background. I’d be tempted to clone out the barbed wire-it tends to draw my eye.
Aren’t these great birds? What a goofy-looking toucan. (family)
Really nice catch, David - good pose, true colours, and II don’t mind the barbed wire at all - something other than deep in the jungle!
I agree with toning down the BG a bit - seems just a bit bright.
Great work!
This is really sweet, David. Gorgeous detail in the bird and the background is working very nicely. I could see toning it down as others have said, but to me that vibrant green is pretty typical of the tropics.
Hi David
To me everything fits, this Toucan. The bright colors and great eye contact and feather detail, set the mood for the post and barbed wire.
This makes me think of a punk rocker David. Bright colors, crazy look, cool hair/feather doo, and barbed wire. Hitting on all cylinders on this one. Love it.
The blacks are handled perfectly and I like the overall scruffiness of the subject. Comp is fine and what seals the deal is the eye of the subject–lots of character. Awesome presentation…Jim