Common Elder

This was only my second chance to photograph a Comments Elder. The first time came in 2011 on the coast of Maine. This photograph was taken handheld from the from the shore of the Bass River in Dennisport Cape Cod, Mass on April 28, at 8:30 AM.
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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon7Dll, Sigma 150-600mm, F6.3, 600mm, 1/2500, -1EV, ISO 250. The shot was cropped by 45% and I adjusted the exposure, blacks and gamma curve in DXO Pgoto Lab 4.

Excellent detail and a good job of handling that enormous contrast between the black and white plumage areas, Peter.

What a fantastic opportunity. Exposure is spot on. Details looks good, but I think there’s more to be wrung out of this one. I think I’d also look at more of a 16x9 crop.

Hi Dennis and Lyle.
Thank you for the comments, here is a 16 by 9 of the Elder.