Coral slime mould

I came across this slime mould while browsing through some bush undergrowth after a significant amount of rain in recent weeks. It was growing at ground level on a decaying fallen tree log. As I had never seen this in such good condition before I couldn’t help myself…just had to try and photograph it even though I didn’t have any diffuser with me and needed to use flash as it was very dark bush.

Specific Feedback Requested

Unless you have a penchant for slime mould (as I suspect) this is unlikely to appeal, however it is fascinating to me and I hope of interest to some others. Any comments are welcome.

Technical Details

1/200s, f14, ISO 320
m4/3 60mm macro
Definitely into diffraction territory here with m4/3 at f14 but I didn’t have a tripod so no stacking.

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I for one, love it. The life forms we share this planet with never cease to astound me, even the least of them. How you ever saw it is also astounding since I know generally how small these formations are. Just think of the millions or billions of individuals collected here. Just enough detail and mass to be interesting. I wonder at the fuzzy/blurry bit in the URC, but since cropping it would detract from the overall shape, leaving it in makes sense. I think I shall go out today in search of tiny things. Without mushrooms to distract me (too much) I think I might find something.

I love it too. Slime moulds are intriguing life forms. Very tiny so not so easy to find. And, as far as I know, only visible when they produce fruiting bodies. You certainly had the right conditions to find such a mass. I like your composition and lighting. You judiciously chose the direction of the flash: the shadows create a lot of depth. (When without a diffuser, I use a sheet of white plastic as a reflector to create a bigger light source.) My only suggestion could be to increase the whites slightly. However, the current white level gives a moody atmosphere. Great find, nice presentation.

Thankyou @Kris_Smith and @Igor_Hoveijn for your comments and suggestions. Your are right Igor, I was trying to maintain a ‘moodiness’ about the image as I feel that is what photography is all about to me. While I certianly take my share of ‘record’ photos, I need to get a strong feeling of some sort from a potential image before I capture it or process it. Cheers.