Yellow blob

Found this slime mould (Tubifera arachnoidea, not sure…) on a weathered log. I liked the shape contrast as well as the colour contrast. It is about 2cm in diameter. It is a focus stack of nine. While taking the images little creatures emerged from tiny holes in the log. Most of them disappeared during processing the stack.

Specific Feedback Requested

All C&C is very much appreciated. I think I should have used for instance a reflector for more even lighting, there is some loss of detail in the lightest parts.

Technical Details

Canon 5d4, iso 400, 2.0 sec, Sigma 150 @ f/9, cpl, tripod, cable release, 9 images combined using Zerene stacker, TK processing on the final result


This is fabulous! I’ve never seen this kind, but I bet it’s hard to miss. It reminds me of Witches’ Butter, which is a fungus, but similar in its color and texture. A reflector would have helped. I broke one out to photograph Wolf’s Milk slime molds a few weeks ago. I posted a shot here if you want to look for it. Stack looks good to me although some of the farthest bits of the log are soft. And that log - was it in a fire? The surface is so uniform and clean that it makes a perfect backdrop for the yellowy goodness. The shadows look a tad cyan to me, but it could have been like that. Great job!

Wonderful! The yellows on top are hot – maybe it would have been one for a second stack at a lower exposure to combine as an HDR. I think the detail in the more shaded parts is fantastic! The log is very interesting.

Did you try a second stacked set with the Highlights pulled well down and maybe a cooler WB to try for more detail in the yellow highlights? That might work for an HDR with the settings you used here, but it might be necessary to equalize the WB in both.

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Love the contrasts Igor. The bright fungi against the dark background, the small circles against the straight lines and heavily saturated yellows against the mild blues. Nothing to add from what the others suggested. Striking image.

Thanks very much for your comments and suggestions, @Kris_Smith , @Diane_Miller and @AndreDonawa. The log was not in a fire, it was just old and wet. I’ll have a look at the cyan colour cast. The log is not completely in focus, I tried to create some depth (apart from depth of field :grin:) by having an out-of-focus region in the background. I haven’t ever used HDR, but I’ll give it a try on this set of images, thanks again for the suggestion.

Igor, I have been out of town, so I am trying to catch up. I love the color contrast, that log make a great back drop for the “yellow blob”. Looks like you have already received some great suggestions.