
The mighty Cotopaxi volcano in Ecuador

Specific Feedback Requested

I took this scene with an wide angle. I’m not sure emphasizing the foreground detracts from the importance of the volcano that looks smaller than it really is.

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The choice of the wide angle does diminish the volcano in the image but it still looks imposing back there. I like the arrangement of the foreground rocks and the way you have composed it. The light looks a bit contrasty, detracting a bit from the drama of the scene. Overall, nicely done.

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For some reason I find boulders in an open field to be very meaningful. I haven’t figured out why. I do think the mountain adds to the image. I probably would have moved a bit to the left which would have hid the boulder behind the middle one and moved the mountain to the left.

your comment helps me not to rule out this type of treatment in my photos of great landscape

Your comment is very interesting. Well, my subject is the mountain, it seems to me that the foreground is even stronger than I had thought.

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