Crocus Swirl

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any pertinent technical details: Canon 7D, Tamron 55-200 @ 200, 1/125 @ f5.6, ISO 400; run through the Polar Co-ordinates and Iris Blur filters in PS, with some additional cloning.

A shot that did not quite live up to expectations - hence a bit of experimenting in PS.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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This is a really interesting image, Ian. When I first opened it my eye was immediately drawn to the bright crocus and as I started roaming around I though the dark upper left quadrant was a problem. Then my eye kept going back to it and pulling out more detail. Now I have a tug of war for attention between the bright and dark portions of the image, creating some nice tension.

It’s an image that merits spending time with and that’s a very good thing. Well done.

Twirls are fun but tough to do right. This one is not too much, just enough, twirl effect and is very capturing of the attention.

Lovely effect here, with the center of the crocus wonderfully focused. Colors also very nice.

Ian: I like how you made some fine lemonade from this image. The only part that doesn’t work for me is the peach colored area in the URC. Still a nice complement to your crocus collection. >=))>

An interesting save. I would be curious to see some experimenting with the peach color in the URC. I don’t necessarily dislike it, but it is a weak part of the whole image.

I had not noticed this one until right now. I’m not sure what your expectations were, but it works for me. It is quite unique, I think.