Curbside Beauty

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Went looking for some things to shoot from near ground level today, and found this lovely curbside scene in my neighborhood.

It’s been a while since I’ve used my camera or processed an image (close to a year, I think), so I’m a little rusty. I figured I’ll do all the challenges for a bit and see if I can get the creative juices flowing again.

I liked the layered textures, the tree standing guard, and the colors. I can see now that a polarizer would have helped with the reflective surface of the tulips. I do like the sense of sunshine reflecting everywhere though, so I thought I would share it.

Specific Feedback

I’m not 100% sure about the focus. I think the tree is a little off, but I wasn’t sure if that was a deal breaker technically on its own.

Of course, I’m not sure the composition is especially unified or cohesive either, so feel free to make suggestions of how you might have shot such a scene.

Technical Details

ISO 160, f/16, 1/80th with a Canon 5d3 and 24-105mm at 28mm
Not much processing, actually. Slight crop, export sharpening

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Emotional Impact:
  • Mood Creation:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Textures and Patterns:
  • Use of Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Subject and Genre:
  • Post-processing:
  • Technical Aspects:

Quite nice, Marylynne. An interesting composition with the tree arising from the tulips and the nice wall of green for a backdrop. For some reason this image has a Kodachrome feel to it for me-probably the saturated reds in the tulips.

Thanks @Dennis_Plank. I didn’t adjust saturation at all. Just texture and a slight shadow lift. It was a sunny morning and I just tried to keep my shadow out of it. I rarely shoot flowers in such sunny conditions because the shadows and reflections can make a mess, but I felt like this captured spring appropriately.

Does the tree look a tish oof? Or is it my eyes? I’m guessing it’s a tad off. It was f/16, but still, those tulips were the fg and focus and I tried to split the difference.


Can’t go wrong with tulip photos, I always say! I do like the low level comp a lot; you see too many “head” shots from above. The flowers have gorgeous hues, not overdone, and all appear to be very sharp too. As for the tree, I think it dominates the scene too much, and takes attention away from the stars of the show. A composition with just the tulips against the green foliage would simplify the image and focus all attention on those beautiful flowers.

Thanks Jim. I was wondering whether the reds were too hot, and I’m glad they are not. My Canon 40D had such problems with reds. The 5d3 does much better with them.

For some reason, I liked the differences in color and texture, but I also see your point about how much the tree dominates. And the fact that it doesn’t feel totally crisp to me makes that dominance a problem.