Daffodil Portrait

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


One benefit of being married to an avid flower gardener is the photographic opportunity it affords!

This is a daffodil portrait I captured in the spring of 2003 using a Canon Powershot G3 (4 MP). Another forgotten file, I imported it into LRC to see what could be done with it.

In processing I further blurred the BG, slightly reduced its exposure, lowered saturation and added vignette. Since the flower seems to be looking down, I left a bit more space on the bottom. Since 4 MP is not a lot of pixels to work with, this is full frame with a very small crop off the bottom.

Specific Feedback

Feedback on the composition, processing and overall presentation is appreciated!

Technical Details

Canon Powershot G3, handheld
f/8 @ 1/200, ISO 50
Processed in LRC

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

The perfection of nature is equaled by the perfection of the photo. Beautiful image.

1 Like

Beautiful, image, Jim. We often forget that most of what we post is down to 2-3 MP, so if you do it right in the field, 4 MP is plenty. The detail and sharpness in this portrait is superb and I love the separation from the nice soft background. Great job on the lighting as well.

Gorgeous, Jim! The whites are perfect, exquisite detail, and great blurred BG.
Isn’t it fun digging up older images and re-processing them with today’s magic?!

It really is! What a contrast to the film days when what was on the slide was pretty much all we got. Even compared to the “DSLR days” the ability to unlock detail and enhance the presentation during processing is amazing.

Jim: I remember well how enamored we all were with those Canon G series powershots. My first digital camera was one of their other versions and I had a lot of fun with it before Sony rescued Minolta and put out a competent DSLR. You did really well with this image. I especially like the whites and your comp. Keep up the mining, it’s working well. >=))>