Desert Moonbow

Fun Fact: The apex of the moonbow is perfectly placed over “Rainbow Peak”!

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Have you ever heard of a ‘Moonbow’ before? A winter storm was approaching one evening, and I happened to be at the right place at the right time :slight_smile: I consider this to be a once-in-a-lifetime photo for me. With the full Moon behind and the winter storm in front of me, this moonbow only lasted about 3 minutes before fading.

The winds were strong as the storm was approaching (30+ mph sustained winds or 48 kph), and due to the low-light nature of a night scene, I had to do a 30-second exposure! I remember shooting these long 30" exposures and putting my entire body weight on my camera to help ‘reduce’ shake. On top of the winds, it was also raining! So, with the combination of long exposures, wind, and rain on the lens, it was a challenging scene to photograph. This image won’t be the sharpest image you’ve ever seen, but sometimes with photography, you have to embrace the imperfections :slight_smile:

Technical Details

As I mentioned, this moonbow was very short-lived, so I couldn’t focus on settings too much


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WOW! Fast thinking and a heroic effort! You were well-rewarded!

Another WOW is needed. So: WOW!

What a cool shot Trevor. Once in a lifetime indeed!

Incredible shot. I have never seen a full arc of a moonbow. I think we can just consider the imperfections as "atmosphere’. I think we get too hung up on sharpness sometimes, The world is not always sharp.