Desert Patterns II + Repost

Here’s another sandstone detail from my travels in the desert.

5D2, 24-105 @ 32
Handheld, f/8, 1/60s, ISO100
Cloned out some debris in the upper left, TK curves adjustments

Here’s an update based on comments from Dick and Igor:

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First impression was that the upward diagonals of the sandstone were very uplifting, but the tree was having none of it, and was tending to go downhill. Then I noticed that the light was apparently quite muted and indirect, with no shadows, Then noticed that the red orange rock was Really saturated and bright and demanded a lot of attention … like a workman’s orange vest. In an attempt to make the story more about the tree and less about the redness, I tried to mute the rock, while spotlighting the tree and accentuating the brightness of the tree’s brighter foliage. Maybe that moves it away from your story, though.

Very nice.
I love those bold colors.
I t bother me a little not to see the end of the tree branch, but that’s a small nit.

I like your image and the idea behind it. I also agree fundamentally with @Dick_Knudson’s comments. It’s rare for the primary subject to be darker than it’s background. I do like the original stronger colors however. The reds in the shadow are may be a bit strong though.

Thanks @Dick_Knudson, @joaoquintela and @Igor_Doncov.
I was concerned about the saturation of the oranges before I read the comments, so good to have confirmation that it was too much. I only added a very slight amount, but the image really doesn’t need it, since there was a lot of reflected orange light on the scene already. I posted a rework up in the original post.

Craig, I really like your rework. @Dick_Knudson commented on the flow, and maybe the image works even better flipped. I also agree with @joaoquintela comment on the branch, so I erased some parts for it to stay within the frame.

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Thanks Ola, I do like the way it looks with the branch cloned, and it’s interesting to see it flipped. I’m not sure which way I prefer, but it’s got me thinking. Thanks for taking the time to play around with the image!

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I like it flipped as well. I’m not sure why that is. Maybe it’s a chance for a fresh new opportunity to reconsider.