Dinner Time

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Was driving down the road and saw this hawk take a landing with part of a little vole. He had set it down into this log, after I took some shots, he started to eat some, but ended up taking off with it.

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Wonderful pose and perch and the background is perfect! I love the colours on the log as part of this story.

If you had more room at the top it would be nice to have more room above the bird. If not I might consider cropping a bit from the log at the bottom (and using a more horizontal aspect ratio)as it outweighs the bird in terms of balance.

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Thank you! Good idea to change to more horizontal. I have to check original image, it may have more room at the top, and I cropped it poorly. Thanks again.

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I love the perch in this image, Judi and the pose of the hawk is excellent. Since he’s looking a bit up, I definitely agree that more room on the top would be nice. Personally, I’d probably add a bit more room on the sides as well. With this background, content aware fill or content aware crop would work really well if you don’t have the background on the top and sides in the original. The moss and lichen on the stump add some nice color, but that streak of wash tends to draw my eye. I don’t know what software you’re using, but almost all of it these days would have a repair tool that should remove it easily unless you are against repairs like that.

A terrific pose and a terrific perch with a buttery smooth background. I like that the hawk is looking back and up. Others have mentioned the wish for a bit more room. Well done.

Hi Judi, nice catch of this hawk and I really like the pose with the glance in our direction. Interesting perch and nice background. I agree with more room on top and less on bottom. A fine capture.

Yes, I will work on that to see if I have one that is less zoomed in, I believe I do, or this one may have been a crop and I just over did it. Thank you!

I shall look and see if I had cropped this, and maybe took too much off. Thank you for your feedback!

Hi, here is the original before I cropped it. I think I was so excited that I got him landed and sitting still for a second and it was sharp, so I cropped it to show that. lol… I’m not the best at bird photography, but I keep trying, and sometimes, one just happens, like this guy. He was more interested in his dinner than me taking a picture. :slight_smile:

I went ahead and posted the original, uncropped image. Thank you!