
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I live in the desert (Arizona) by choice, so not a fan of the cold. On this trip to Norway, and later on Finland, I experienced the most brutal temperatures, and yet I could have (and sometimes did) stayed out for hours to photograph the amazing landscapes. I found scenes like this so very peaceful…
Normally I would avoid any manmade things in my composition, but really liked the contrast, and visual continuity, that this fence offered to the rest of the scene.

Specific Feedback

All feedback welcomed.

Technical Details

1/80 sec, ISO 1000, f/10, 24mm, slightly cropped

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Beautiful snowscape Fritz. I like the leading lines running through this image, the fence, the trees and the base of the misty mountains. Nicely crafted.

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Reflective winter scene, Fritz. You have done a wonderful job in capturing the feeling of the cold. I agree with leaving the fence in as, at least for me, it adds to the remoteness of the area. I’m guessing you didn’t tweak the colors? But was wondering if adding the tiniest hint of blue might enhance the cold feeling?? Just a thought. What a great experience for you.

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This feels calm, even though there must have been some wind to blow that snow onto the verticals of the fence posts. The serenity is imparted by all the horizontal lines and the evenly spaced elements (fence, tree line, mountains). I love how the mountain tops fade into the sky. Just lovely!

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Hi Fritz, I was really drawn to your image. I live in the mountains of Idaho where we see a lot of this kind of thing (& I love it!). What’s great about snowscapes is all the negative space, and you’ve managed that beautifully here. The repeating lines of the fence and trees works so well together; AND (this is my favorite part), I’m seeing the story of…the photographer is on this side of the fence where there is safety, stability, civilization, the wilderness is on the other side where … anything goes… I wouldn’t change a thing

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@Ed_Williams @Bonnie_Lampley @Connie_McClaran @linda_mellor , thank you all for taking the time to comment. Very much appreciated. This was an amazingly cold, yet wonderful experience. Linda, I added just a touch of blue, and very much like the result; thank you!

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