Dripping Pollen

Description: I planted some sunflower seeds (they’re called ‘Lemon Queen’ a smaller head but still really tall!) in planters in May and now the flowers are coming out and attracting the bees. I took this just this morning, hanging out my window.

Specific Feedback Requested: Anything

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Nikon D3400, 300mm, 1/800, f/8, ISO 200, cropped

Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)

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Vanessa, that sounds rewarding, planting the sunflowers and now able to photograph them and the bees enjoying them. I love the position that the bee is placed with the petals of the flower. I am think maybe a higher shutter speed might have helped. It appears anyway, to be motion in the bee, and not in the flower. They move fairly quickly, so probably 1/1600 would be about as low as you would want to go with these guys in flight. I might would crop in just a bit from the left, and a touch from the bottom too. I love that you have the flower center in the top right corner of the image.

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Yeah, you’re right about my ss. I think I keep experimenting and trying to balance not getting too noisy of pictures. But I agree the bee isn’t as sharp as it should be.

Experimenting is good in photography, that is how we learn. You had ISO to spare in this image. I guess that is one of the reasons I like shooting in auto ISO, and manual mode, so I am picking which shutter speed I think I need in a situation, and the f-stop too, for DOF. So the camera then picks the ISO, which I could care less what it is, unless the lighting is low. When the subject is flying, and the background is light one minute, and dark the next, the auto ISO isn’t a good choice. But most of the time it works pretty well for me.

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Hi, Vanessa. Shirley offered some good suggestions. The bee is a little soft, and could have benefited from a higher ISO. Your camera should accommodate higher ISO’s without too much noise. I like the composition and the pollen coming off the bee is cool. You had a good idea potting sunflowers for the critters. Very pretty.

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Thanks for your feedback @terryb and @Shirley_Freeman, I do wish I could let it choose the ISO but I feel like whenever I do it puts it so high that the majority of photos come out noisy. It doesn’t have a very large sensor. But I probably should at least let it do it when it’s sunny, like you said Shirley. I hope they will attract birds when the seeds come!

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