Early Summit

Sony A77II
Sony 70-400G @ 400mm
ISO 200, 1/200 @ f8
Great Sand Dunes NP
Chrissy and I have been back for over a week but work and ministry have kept me from looking at and posting any of my images from our Colorado/Wyoming trip. This was taken about an hour and a half after sunrise. I watched this guy from when he left just at dawn until he reached the crest. Cropped a bit from the bottom for comp. All comments welcome.>=))>

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.


Terrific dune image - so much to like about this one. Of course the human element… yeah, most of us would rather not have our fellow humans in our landscape images… but we’re part of nature too and there are stories to be told. In fact, reminds me… 1972, my parents, toting a couple toddlers made the summit… while my sister and I (12, 11) didn’t… been a sore point in the family ever since… :roll_eyes::open_mouth: Anyway, sorry, but this image brought that all back…

Great job framing - just enough sky. and I really like the patches of wet? sand scattered about. Light and shadow on the dunes are nice as well.

No nits or suggestions - oh, maybe cropping even more off the bottom? The horizontal component, especially the top ridge line with the walker might look good with even a more narrow presentation. That’s a minor thought though.


The person out on the dunes really makes this image. He lends a great sense of scale, depth and place. This turned out really well. No suggestions here.

He almost looks like he was posing for you. I really like the exposure and dynamic range. The sense of scale and minimal sky work well. Looks like you must have had recent rains there. I had similar conditions there on my last visit.

Cool shot Bill. I love the placement of the man in the frame. Nice soft color pallette and just enogh sky.

Great light and color here Bill, and that person puts this image over the top, both literally and figuratively :grinning: It’s a very small thing, but what I really like about the person is that his/her legs are slightly apart, which makes for a more dynamic pose. I especially like your processing of color, saturation nad contrast here, the processing looks great. My only suggestion for improvement would be to clone away a few of the sand splotches in the LLC. I’m not sure if this was intended or not, but there also appears to be a very thin purple border around the image.

I really like the sense of scale the person in the background adds to the scene Bill. The darker and more subtle blue tones really complement the beige dunes.