Eastern Kingbird

There were a lot of these at the National Bison Range, but getting close enough for a really good image turned out to be more difficult than it first appeared. I finally caught this one on my last day.

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Technical Details

Sony A1, FE 200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 840 mm, bean bag in car window, f/9, 1/1600, iso 2000, manual exposure. Cropped to 6936 x 5088. Taken at 11:14 am on June 6th under cloudy skies.

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Hi Dennis,

I like the head turn and the background has some ideal variation in it which goes well with the subject. Head turn is quite nice too. The white band at the tail tip is very bright, but I think with the angle of viewing that’s, it will be tough to get any more detail from that region. Well done and perseverance pays off…Jim

Excellent pose and composition. Superb background. If you could lighten up the great plumage around the eye on the head that would be beneficial.

Hi Dennis
Nice framing and the background helps give the Kingbird some punch. The cloudy helped give you control of the grays and browns off this bird. Maybe you can try a local brush on the white tail feather and dark eye. Nice photo.

I’m so glad he posed for you, Dennis. He is beautiful, and you captured wonderful details in the plumage. That slight head turn really does make this an even nicer shot.