As many of the long-timers here at NPN know I have been photographing the new crescent moon for nearly three decades. The challenge of trying to photograph the moon was what first got me behind a camera and down the landscape photography rabbit hole.
I go out every month in search for that small sliver of light. Every 29 days after I see a new crescent I am back out there again. This past Wednesday, March 6th, was that 29th day. However, it was storming and raining all day and into the evening. So I thought this month was going to be a bust. Then there was a break in the storm on Thursday night, March 7th. As I raced from work with my gear to the top level of a parking garage in town my eyes were glued to the sky peering into the gaps between clouds hoping to see a glimpse. It was not to be seen. When I reached the 5th level of the garage, I parked and before I could even get one foot out the door of the car, there it was, hanging there in the mist as the stormy sky just swirled mixing its light.
I quickly set up the camera and automatically had the camera dialed in and exposures flying.
I have photographed many moons and seen many many more. I can’t remember a moon that was so exciting to photograph as this one. Something about the atmosphere and the light mixing with it along with the moon that just made it a real expressive and emotive photograph for me.
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Nikon D2x (I know its old)
Nikon 400 mm f5.6 lens at f5.6
Shutter 1.3 sec with mirror locked, ISO 100
Single frame
Processed with Camera Raw and PS CS6