End of the story

I took a series of photos with this one being the end of the story. The spider is tucked away holding on the small fly it caught. I found myself moving around for the best angle something I still need to work on. This time I wanted to darken the background a bit and bring more focus to the main subject. I used Topaz sharpen AI as a smart filter to help bring out details on the subject. Anyway, sometimes when I find a subject like this, I will sit there sometimes an hour or so to see what happens. There have been times when that paid off just sit and wait in a patch of brush and see who comes by

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Is this a composite: No
Canon 6D2 100-400 ii D500 close up f/14 1/200 iso 400 HH


Dean, it sounds like you are loaded in patience. I think this one has a much better BG than the other ones. I like how the web is catching the light. Worth the moving around for a better angle, and the patience of waiting.

Looks like your patience certainly did pay off here, Dean. Good for you to hang in there and wait. Great detail in the spider and I like the hint and reflections of the web. Nicely done.