Endless Layers In The Palouse

Image Description

Early morning and late day light bathes the undulating terrain in the Palouse. Steptoe Butte offers 360 views of these wheat fields. Turn ten degrees and you are presented with another opportunity.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

the layering of light and shadow along with layer upon layer of undulating terrain drew my attention. Would anyone crop out the lower right corner? Any change in the contrast of light and shadow?

Technical Details

Nikon D800e, Nikon 80-400 mm lens at 370 mm, ISO 100, f 11, 1/5 sec on tripod

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Paul, what a beautiful image you shared here. I love seeing these Palouse images, They are often so mesmerizing with the interplay between highlights and shadows. To answer your question, yes, I would crop out the LRC. The area, although dark, is somewhat dissonant with the rest of the image. As for the contrast, my eyes are seeing the yellows a bit too saturated. Perhaps, a little desaturation would smooth out the entire scene and make it dreamier. It is a beautiful capture.

Thank you for your helpful comments. The Palouse is a special place. I have seen images of the land in Winter’s snow and it is just as photogenic.

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I love the views from Steptoe and the Palouse in general. This image clearly is a wonderful example of that beauty. I too would crop out the Lower right corner and perhaps slightly reduce the high lights just a little. Bob Engle

Gorgeous!! It is a special place! I agree on that corner and also a tiny bit off the top to remove the different colors there.

Thank you for your comments. I think we are all in agreement the RLC has to go and tone down the highlights just a tad. Paul

Thank you for your comments. I think we are all in agreement the RLC has to go and tone down the highlights just a tad. Paul