Everglades Barred Owl

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

Overall I like it. The small bit of red on the tree trunk on lower left is a nice color contrast to the green at the top of the frame. The small amount of daylight left adds to the image IMHO but does not take away. I also feel the greenery breaks up an other wise colorless background.

Creative direction

Looking for a natural image of a barred owl in an area that is not too thickly covered in vegetation.

Specific Feedback

Overall lighting and composition. I like the crop but always looking to improve so hope to get your thoughts via feedback. I know this could be a nice vertical but I like that horizontal views anchors the perch the owl is on.

Technical Details

Nikon Z8, tripod, ISO 6400, 180mm, F6.3 and 1/800th

Processed in LR and DXO for noise reduction only


We were in the Everglades chasing owls around but never got a good image. Heard lots of Who Cooks For You calls though. On the way back to the car we came upon this beauty patiently watching us. Got lucky for sure.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

This is beautiful Andrew. I like the natural look to this. The owl just blends in so well with the BG, I can see why it would be so hard to find them. I want to move the owl one way or the other in the frame, rather than quite so centered, but I think your crop actually works quite well here, mostly because the bird blends in so well to the scene.

Excellent image! Beautiful owl, great environment, sharp detail and soft lighting.
A little more room at the bottom might be good, and also would not cut off that nice red touch of the lower left leaves. A few artifacts/blips there to clean up, if you wanted…
Really fine work!

A gorgeous image with wonderful detail!! The formal composition, with the owl centered, works well for a creature at rest, surveying its environment. The perch is a perfect matching color, as is the soft gray of the BG. I love the twig of leaves in the LL corner. Very well done!

Oh such a serene, regal creature. The very light palette is so interesting. I like it for the way it shows how well the owl blends in to its surroundings. Stealthy death from above. Excellent sharpness through the bird. Maybe a bit too much exposure on it…with this kind of backlighting, I expect more shadows where it’s sitting. I think bringing back shadows with some masking might also add more contour and modeling to the feathers. Such lovely soft light, really perfect. Congrats on a lovely portrait.