Fall filling

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback on how this image can be improved, thank you.

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Hi Allan,

Nice scene! All I can see is that the white balance can be cooled down a bit, add a slight touch of magenta, and desaturate the greens.

Hi Alan,

Thanks for posting and sharing! Indeed a very lovely scene. I’m especially drawn to the upper right quadrant - reminds me of a Japanese Tea Garden - like that one near Portland with the big maple?

In addition to Eric’s suggestions, which I agree with, and because I like the right so much more, I’m wondering if eliminating the trunk on the left edge might be a viable alternative. I tried some crops and you’d have to play around to prevent the two main trees from becoming to centered.

Only other suggestion I have would be to raise the shadows a tad in the centered tree.

Oh, and also, I noticed upon trying to open in PS that there is no color profile. Don’t know what your process is, but recommend when you save the image you embed the color profile.

thanks for sharing! Looking forward to more and your participation.


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Hi Lon,

Thanks for taking time to review and comment on this image, which I actually took in Japan.

I did consider cropping the trunk on the left, but thought it might make the eye wander from that dark and heavy side to the light on the right.

I use PS very rarely, so I will find out how to save the colour profile in LR. Thanks for the tip!

Kind regards
