This is a similar comp to the one TJ Thorne did here 5 years ago that is a blend of 3 shots for water and depth of field.
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Beautiful image Greg. I love the yellows among all of that green.
Greg, this is a beautiful scene and I like how the trees frame the view and the glow of the subtle back lighting. I’m finding the falls a bit too centered and wonder if it was possible to take a couple of steps to the left.
Nice image. Love the framing of the falls with the trees. the stream leads the eye to the falls and then up to the yellow leaves placed just right above the falls.

Very nice, waterfall is framed well between the trees and the light is soft and highlights the edges of the trunks, adding a lot of dimension and depth to the image. I’d like to see some dodging on those trunk highlights, emphasising the already-present light.
The primary critique I would make is regarding the shadows. Where are they? It looks like they’ve been significantly lifted in post, rendering the ferns in the foreground looking a bit weird and drawing too much attention. With a cleaner foreground and a slight vignette, I think this image could be very successful.
I like the framed composition, the luminosity, and the overall colors. The shutter speed has rendered the falls very nicely as well. You might burn in the fern in the llc. I do question the brightness and saturation of the scattered leaves on the lower left. The backlit leaves are less bright than those in the shade. I understand the idea of adding vitality to that area and a perfect rendition of reality isn’t really necessary. It’s a personal thing but I wouldn’t do it. I would burn in the leaves and desaturate them.
This is downright gorgeous. Love the processing and I think the overall composition is outstanding. Colors, Sat, contrast, WB - just look great to my eye.
No nits or suggestions.
This is a beauty of an image, Greg! I like how you have framed the waterfall. The foreground adds depth and pulls my eye into the scene. Well seen and captured!
Thanks to @Tom_Nevesely, @Mark_Seaver, @Michael_Lowe, @Michael_McGee, @Igor_Doncov, @Lon_Overacker, @Brian_Schrayer I truely appreciate all of the positive comments and critiques. I believe I have addressed all the comments to one degree or another and came up with this. Hopefully this will be an improvement.
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I love the edits you’ve added in your last post. It is a fantastic image! Ahhh… so beautiful and the colors are fabulous!
However, I’m going to bring up one thing no one else has mentioned. And maybe it’s just me, but the inclusion of the stream in the lower right corner bothers me a bit. I don’t know whether to look at the falls or the stream. I wonder if a pano crop (16 x 9) would be in order here (to crop out the stream)? They say less is more. That’s totally up to you though. Either way it’s a beautiful image.
Also, as I don’t know what the situation was where you were standing, but maybe putting the falls off-center a bit? Not sure if this is a full image or if you too cropped it. But maybe play with different crops and ratios. Even try a vertical?
Just my 2 cents worth. But you should be very proud of this. I just love it!
Thanks for the input @Barbara_Livieri. Unfortunately there wasn’t much room to maneuver. I am basically on a little ledge. An incline on my left and essentially a steep drop to the creek on my right.