Fall Zinfadel

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A beautiful composition, Richard, and I love the colors. The depth of field works well nearly everywhere, though there’s an optical illusion going on and to me it looks as if the foreground leaf in the upper left should be in crisp focus (optically it looks as if it should lie between the upper right leaf and the grapes which would put it in focus). The extremely bright leaf fragment in the lower left is a bit of a distraction, but easily fixed through burning or cloning.

I love the three dimensionality of this image.

Thank you for your comments Dennis. I believe the leaf you are referring to is closer to my lease than the items behind it. As for the lower left = easily fixed as you stated. Good comment and thanks again.
Richard Small

the light on the grapes give this image a 3d look. i really like the colors on this, bright oranges, reds and yellows against the muted blue fruit. wonderful dof.

Richard: This may be my favorite so far. My best advice would be to fix that LLC and then print large. Most excellent. >=))>

A succulent feast for the eye, Richard. The colouring and the play of light and shade work beautifully.

Thank you Ian.

Richard Small

This is my favorite for the starker color contrast and the feeling of three dimension in the grape. I love the image Richard.

The angle you chose to use in this image gives me more feeling of depth of field and the darker grapes make the colorful leaves pop. This is one of my favorites in the series. Besides Zinfadel is my favorite wine. I’ll raise my wine glass tonight to toast your image.

Thank you Patricia,Zinfandel is my favorite also, and I Was lucky enough to know one of best makers in the business !

| Patricia Brundage, MNEC Patricia_Brundage Flora Editor
4 May |

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The angle you chose to use in this image gives me more feeling of depth of field and the darker grapes make the colorful leaves pop. This is one of my favorites in the series. Besides Zinfadel is my favorite wine. I’ll raise my wine glass tonight to toast your image.