A large waterfall in Iceland
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Is this a composite: No
iso 100, 24-70 at 70, f7.1, 50th, full frame
A large waterfall in Iceland
Is this a composite: No
iso 100, 24-70 at 70, f7.1, 50th, full frame
Wow! The scale in this photo. I just love the massiveness of the waterfalls against the tiny lone person.
I also like the compression effect, which surprised me given only 70mm lens and not longer. Maybe the person is actually standing very close to the water?
Very impactful image!
Very impressive waterfall, David. Having the person in the photo adds to the immensity of the falls. Nicely done.
Beautifully captured! I too really like how you have a person in the frame to really see how awesome the falls are.
David, this is a dramatic statement about man and nature. The rock on the left is a fine addition and your exposure on the falling water looks perfect.
Awesome falls and you did a fine job of illustrating that. Just the right amount of foreground in the shot. The noise must have been incredible!