Fanned Anna's

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any would be appreciated.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any would be appreciated.

Any pertinent technical details: I shot it handheld with a Nikon D500 using a 2-500 Nikon telephoto lens at 1/250th, f5.6, and ISO 400. It’s been cropped down to 1786 x 1954 from 5568 x 3712

This a great subject, perch, pose, and background. That fanned tail is awesome. The image quality is good, especially considering the large crop. If mine, I’d raise the shadows on the bird. Looking forward to more!

Thanks for the input. I will go play around with the little show off’s shadow detail some. I was kinda going for an ethereal kind of look but may have ended up with it a little toooo ethereal.