Final Glow

Any Feedback Welcome

Lots of human elements in this one, I really like the the way the parking lot lights lit up the trees and the girl.

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Todd, this is a lovely sunset scene. The young lady (clearly working on her smart phone) show well and adds good context. The sky and water are lovely. The tree tops do show well even as the lighting is subtle enough so that it’s not clearly artificial.

Nice job framing this scene with the cars right at the bottom, Todd. I love the sunset glow. I do think just a touch more sky on the top would be a help as the trees feel a little crowded up there.

This looks so much like a SoCal scene. I can hear the Beach Boys songs in my mind. A little more space below the cars would have been nice even if it included the parking lot.

Thanks Dennis,

Adding a little more sky was easy and I do think it looks better. Adding more below the cars, As Igor suggested, took a bit more “invention” but overall the image feels less cramped.


Thanks Igor,

I did rework the image to include more sky and parking lot and I do like the result (image is included in my response to Dennis)
