Find the bug

There’s a small, orange insect (about 2 mm long) walking on the ice in this view of my pond. I see a these insects regularly on the ice and am always amazed at the fact that they’re mobil at these temperatures. I usually clone them out, but this one felt like it belonged, mixed in with all of the verticle lines formed by bubbles rising as the water froze. This is a 17 shot stack. (R5, 100-500 @ 472, 1/13 s, f/14, iso 800, tripod, 2 s timer and polarizer)


Ok, Mark, game on. But first the crystal clear reflections of the rocks are wonderful. I love the monochromatic scheme with just a touch of blue. Beautiful how it all flow together. The vertical bubbles and lines create an interesting texture and energy. My guess is the LLC???

I spotted the tiny guy, but it took a minute. I think it’s a springtail - some varieties of springtails (which are technically not insects even though they look like them) are also called snow fleas since they are active in spring when there is still snow on the ground, often congregating in big masses that look like spilled pepper. I think it makes a nice addition to a crisp and clear ice landscape. The bubble trails are great.

This is a beautiful abstract, and I love the bubbles. I don’t see the bug, but I don’t need to see it in order to appreciate the warm colors and the reflections and flow.

This is a very lovely and fascinating scene. I didn’t have enough time to find the bug but I really enjoy the image regardless!

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From the thumb, I thought this was taken through a window. Not too far off, I suppose. :wink: Really great mix of colors, patterns and textures. The frozen bubbles really add a sharpness that contrasts with the nebulous swirl below.

Found Waldo too!

Great image Mark. Beautiful tones, colours, and details.
However, I still can’t see the wee springtail that Kristen sees, thus you have confirmed for me that I do need to update the prescription for my glasses ($$$). Cheers.

This is a really good abstract. I can see why it was chosen by the moderators. A very small nit: I would desaturate the really small brightest blue areas in the image (central lower right).

The heck with the invisible bug! This is a wonderful abstract—period!

Everything has been said: a great abstract. Beautiful colors.
But the insect???