First Light

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Early morning, late fall in the White Mountains of NH

Technical Details

F 5.6, 1/125 sec, ISO - 64, 400mm

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

That’s a glorious capture of the fiery early morning light, extra special as both FG and BG are unlit. One very minor suggestion would be to crop out the left-most tiny piece of sunlit tree (as it’s higher than its neighbor) - but that’s just personal taste.

Larry, the glowing golden trees stand out very well. Having some hints of light on the trees behind is a good addition.

Hi Larry,
The glow of warm morning light is very dramatic and works well with the unlit evergreens both in the front and back of that band of light. Beautifully done. If you don’t mind my asking where in the Whites was this taken?