First Sunrise

This was my first visit to the Grand Canyon. This was also my first sunrise ever. Just before this one exposure shot I was shooting a few hundred yards to my left of here. The colors were fantastic and when they left I did too, but then out of the blue these clouds developed so I grabbed my first vantage point which was here.

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Anything and everything constructive.

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Wow, what an amazing light show. If this was your “first sunrise ever”, then you were very fortunate with these conditions for your first time out. The clouds and light here are wonderful.

I like your processing of the sky and the golden glow along the far canyon wall. But I think the bottom third of the image is too dark, and would like to see a bit more detail there. I also think you have nailed the white balance for a golden hour scene, it looks spot on to me.

In terms of composition, this comes close to a 50/50 horizon. The clouds and the sunlit canyon hold the most interest for me, and I would crop to emphasize them more. I think something like a 16:9 ratio would work well, cropping away from the bottom.

I agree with @Ed_McGuirk. Hope you don’t mind my reworking.

Sorry for being so late in getting back @Michael_Lowe, @Ed_McGuirk the holidays got the best of me. Thanks for the input. I don’t mind at all with you reworking the the shot Michael. That’s the only way you can get a visual. I did end going with the 16:9 ratio but I couldn’t lighten it as in the example. When it is too light in the lower part of the shot, the eye in my opinion is distracted from the subject. So I came up with this with some other adjustments.