Flaming Star in Blue

A rework of the generally Red Flaming star Nebula with added image time and Sort of Hubble palette processing.
6 hours of imaging with asi294 color camera and Scope in City light, Portland Oregon.

Specific Feedback Requested

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Astro camera and scope, PP in Astropixel, Pixinsight, Capture and Affinity photo.


Wow, that is spectacular Dan! I get a very mystical feeling viewing this image! I really enjoy exploring the composition! I am not very familiar with deep sky/space imaging but have always been curious. Are the colors and saturation “natural” or enhanced in post?

Thanks Keith, that question comes up all the time.
Outer space is basically white and black to the human eye but there are 3 gases in the majority of space that are on the color spectrum that show up with various filters.
Hydrogen , Sulphur and Oxygen.
I can’t manufacture color, I channel mix the various colors my quad filter produces and depending on the nebula and how much integration time you have on the target, you can bring out the different gas colors…
Fairly complicated. Taking Astro photos is a lot easier than people realize, processing them is a lifetime occupation.

Thank you Dan for the background! Fascinating!

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Cool image of IC 405. The details came out nice. I am wondering how you post processed this since the OSC usually comes out red, I use the ASI 071. I like how this came out however Dan.

Thanks Dean, the original is very red… I use the Radian quad filter and if I get enough time I mix channels in Pixinsight and can come out with SHO colors if I work at it.
This one a bit Purple, little over the top, but I liked it.
I have found that 6 hours is minimum where I take images in the city and 8-10 even better for processing.
It just makes everything easier.