Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 200-400mm f4 at 350mm (1/125 sec at f8.0, Iso 640) Slight crop, Topaz DeNoise AI, Topaz Sharpen AI on tail of RH swallow, Shadows & Highlights, Brightness & Contrast, Hue & Saturation -Cyn, + Yellow. I set up the Cognisys Sabre to hopefully snag a kingfisher coming in to land. A batch of young barn swallows and parents sat on branches just outside of the frame. So went out, realigned everything and fired away. The pond is south of me so lighting is never great so this is a compromise to get an exposure and avoiding noisy shadows…Jim
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It looks like lovely soft light. Everything looks so nice and soft as you would want for these young swallows. Also the colors seem so unique. Very nice. You got all three eyes and sharpness and detail throughout. There is a little circular reflection or something along bottom edge right side if mine I would probably remove. And nice to see young Barn Swallows. I see a few flying around in a marsh but not many around.
A nice image of the three young Barn Swallows, Jim. I just love that determined long on the one on the right. He has an agenda, and he is going for it.
Superb job on the lighting and you caught a great composition in this frame, Jim. It’s very minor,but there’s just half of a specular highlight along the bottom edge about 1/4 in from the right that is an eye grabber for me. The curve of this perch is just awesome-subtle , but very effective.
I really like the soft light and clean background, and the gestures/positions of the birds just made me smile. It looks like something is definitely going on here.