Floating on air

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The poppies close up at night. I like them best when they’re opening, as this one was.

Specific Feedback

Any and all comments will be welcome.

Technical Details

ISO 400, 100mm, f/2.8, 1/1250th sec.

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I really like the straight down look at this poppy Don. It looks like it has wings and is getting ready to take off. Great BG. I only wish it had a tab bit more DOF. Beautiful colors.

An interesting viewpoint, Don. To me, it feels like there’s an awful lot of empty space around the flower. I think a much tighter crop might be more effective.

Ed, Dennis, thanks for commenting.

Dennis, I tried a mildly tighter crop and I think I may prefer it, but in my view the image needs a fair amount of room around the flower.

Oooh cool. I have shot Indian Pipe in a similar manner and always thought it needed a bit of space, too. The bg is so soft, but not uniform and I think that is a benefit to the subject and the off-center nature of how the petals unfurl. That said, I wonder how giving it a horizontal flip would work…so that the petals are ‘pointing’ to the right. Could be worth checking out. Either way this is a terrific example of creativity while still showing the nature of how these flowers change throughout their blooming.

Thanks, Kristen. After reading your post, I tried flipping it horizontally, but it didn’t work for me.